We don't have valid postal addresses or email for the following from the GWHS Class of 1966. Some left GW before graduation to attend other schools, but they're still considered friends.
If you can help with any contact information, click here to send an email Even if you have only partial information, please let us know so we can start searching. Names in parenthesis are possible married names.

Wallace Edward Adkins
Timothy Larkin Brown
Alice Lynn Conley
Sandra Dolin
Daniel Roger Downs
Robert Stephen Duff
Loretta Dunlap
Richard Craig French
Roger Lee Gillespie
Dorothy Stuart Johnson
Stephen Kidd
Karen Sue Light
Bonnie Elaine Wilmoth Lovejoy
Shirley Ann Moore
Vicentia Movin (exchange student from Denmark)
Rich Newbrough
Carolyn Nicholson
Garry Wayne O'Halloran
Kathleen Ann Rafferty
Linda Schultz
Gary Warne
Judy Carrol Watson